Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Star Trek- Forgotten History

Star Trek: Department of Temporal Investigations- Forgotten History
By Christopher L. Bennett

3 ½ out of 5 Covers

This is the second book in the Star Trek universe to chronicle the adventures of the Department of Temporal Investigations, which was only mentioned in one episode of Deep Space Nine- “Trials and Tribulations.” Author Bennett so liked the characters of Agents Lucsly and Dulmur based on their two minute appearance that he has created an entire rich backstory for the agents and their organization.  And this book is based on one line from that appearance, that Captain Kirk has the most temporal infractions of any Starfleet officer.

But that is sometimes how inspiration works: a little nugget of an idea takes hold and grows into an entire book.   Much of the book is a recounting of the various time travel adventures of the original crew of the Enterprise, but woven together to form a tapestry.  Important to the story is that because of all these adventures, the engines of the Enterprise have been changed.  And an attempt to recreate that effect results in a forgotten adventure that ultimately involves Lucsly and Dulmar.

The author obviously has great affection for these characters, creating not just backstory but personality and repartee. And he has done enough research to make the science, if not accurate, at least believable.  And that is very important in a science fiction story, even one with a canon of made up rules like Star Trek.

It’s not a perfect work.  Some of the situations resulting from time travel are either out of character or too convenient.  But the same is true of many Star Trek stories.  The book embraces what it is and the result is a well done, pleasant diversion.

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