Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The Woman Who Died a Lot

4 out of 5 Covers

Jasper Fforde is one of the most wildly inventive authors on the market today.  This marks the seventh book in his Thursday Next series, which focues on the titular literary detective.  While the focus has been on literature, the world of Thursday Next in one where anything can happen: time travel, cloning, journeys into books.  As the title may in imply, this volume sees Thursday die a lot.

I thought the first four books in the series were fantastic, especially two and three.  However, books five and six showed a distinct drop in quality, with a lack of enthusiasm and plot threads left dangling.  I very glad that this book shows an improvement, though not quite to the same level as those earliest volumes.

As usual, there are a lot of plot elements: Thursday getting a new job at the local library, tracking down rare books, dealing with the multinational corporation that wants to kill her.  Then her son is fated to kill someone while her daughter has to develop a shield before God smites their town.  Oh, and she keeps dying a lot.

Fforde is an expert at world building, so that all these fantastic elements make sense and are resolved in often unexpected and delightful ways.  Though not always; some solutions are overly convoluted or make use of obscure information.  The characterization is rich and the prose is often a joy to read. 

The one real problem I have is all the dangling plotline that I’m still waiting to be resolved.  Some are from previous books, but the lack of resolution creates a source of anxiety.  But no matter what, I still look forward to the next Thursday Next book.

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